Entries by John Doyle

Employer Makes Bold Gamble On Inclusion

COHASSET, Minn. — The morning sky was still dark when a bus carrying two dozen adults with disabilities pulled up before a small factory. Many of the passengers looked half asleep as they stumbled into the hazy drizzle clutching lunch sacks and mini-coolers. But that did not prevent John Week, a container of coffee steaming […]

Falls Among Older Adults: An Overview

How big is the problem? Each year, millions of adults aged 65 and older fall. Falls can cause moderate to severe injuries, such as hip fractures and head traumas, and can increase the risk of early death. One out of three older adults (those aged 65 or older) falls each year but less than half […]

Disabled Struggling To Find Employment

Survey Finds Just 1 In 3 With Intellectual Disabilities Employed Adults with intellectual disabilities are struggling to find their place in the workforce, according to a new Gallup survey finding that two-thirds have no job. Of those who are working, slightly more than half are employed in competitive environments alongside those without disabilities, while 38 […]

Employing People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

A Report by the Institute for Corporate Productivity (i4cp) People with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) comprise an underutilized population of potential employees proven to be a positive influence on co- workers, customers, the community and a company’s bottom line. Through survey data, case studies, and individual success stories, this report demonstrates how workers with […]

Maria Shriver Speaks On Social Enterprises Maria Shriver Habla sobre las empresas sociales

The Talent Knows No Limits/WE Include video highlights the successful employment of Californians with developmental disabilities throughout the state. With an introduction by Maria Shriver, the video features individuals employed by five private and public sector employers. Starbucks Coffee Dreyer’s Grand Ice Cream American Honda Motor Company Office of the Governor, State of California International Creative Management […]

Disabled but QualifiedDiscapacitado pero Calificado

According to Pride Industries: “One in five Americans has a disability, yet two-thirds of working age Americans with disabilities are unemployed –many not by choice.” “California has the most diverse population in the United States, and people with disabilities represent the single largest and most diverse minority, providing a major untapped source of qualified job candidates.” “One in five […]

Thousands to be struck off special needs listMiles de ser borrado de la lista de necesidades especiales

Hundreds of thousands of children face being taken off the special needs register because they have been wrongly labelled as requiring extra help, the Government will announce today. Under the biggest shake-up of the system for 30 years, ministers will toughen up rules on the diagnosis of behavioural and learning problems. It follows concerns that […]

CalRecycle Monthly Public MeetingCalRecycle reunión pública mensual

As part of CalRecycle’s commitment to maintain transparency in decision making and program development, the department conducts a public meeting on a monthly basis. The meeting provides an overview of many important pending and recently-made decisions, updates about ongoing department projects and work activities, and a general report from the department director. CalRecycle monthly public […]